Some times, we must have a privacy to transmite our message to our friends. Now, I will share how to sent a secret message with facebook wall post safely.
As we know, every file could be edited with notepad, so do the PNG file. we can edited the code of PNG file in notepad,but sometimes, the file will be couldn't viewed if we edit it with notepad. I just can suggest for useeing DOS Promt to insert our secret message in PNG file, The PNG file won't be error again.
After you insert your message in PNG file, you can place thet PNG file on Wall Post,so not everyones knoes if you place a secret message. Than,make an agreement with your friend if you and he/she will tranfer information in the PNG file. You and your friend can read the message with open the PNG file with notepad.
Message + PNG file = PNG file(secret message)
Please read following Post to understanding :
How to inserting text Message in PNG file.
Create a Secret message with Encrypt it.
How to inserting text Message in PNG file.
Create a Secret message with Encrypt it.