Monday, June 14, 2010

Secret Message on FaceBook

An Secret information should be sent in fast, no one could be read it, and hide in public service. Nowadays, most people using facebook, very simply to sent a message in facebook, but everyone can read the message.
Some times, we must have a privacy to transmite our message to our friends. Now, I will share how to sent a secret message with facebook wall post safely.

As we know, every file could be edited with notepad, so do the PNG file. we can edited the code of PNG file in notepad,but sometimes, the file will be couldn't viewed if we edit it with notepad. I just can suggest for useeing DOS Promt to insert our secret message in PNG file, The PNG file won't be error again.

After you insert your message in PNG file, you can place thet PNG file on Wall Post,so not everyones knoes if you place a secret message. Than,make an agreement with your friend if you and he/she will tranfer information in the PNG file. You and your friend can read the message with open the PNG file with notepad.

Message  +   PNG file   =   PNG file(secret message)

How to Inserting message in PNG file

  • Select the PNG file will you use ( use a familliar picture) example :

      • Create a TXT file which include your messase(save in same directory with your PNG file)

          • Open the directory of your PNG file and TXT file with DOS Promt
          I save my file in D:>hack/
          open D:>hack/ in dos

              • write : type your_txt_file.txt >> your_png_file.png  : enter
               my file is dunia.txt  and gambar.png

                  • try to open your PNG file with notepad after thet.
                    the result of this procces is :

                    look at the buttom of the file, you will look your message there..

                    note : use special caracter on the message begin and on the end of message.
                    Example : use {" and "}
                    {" Secret Message "}

                    then if you insert thet text message to png file, it will be :
                    %&^#ED@((*hnvttyu$%&(^$$ygu%&$7*&596%$7 {" secret Message "}

                    your friend open the PNG file, he know if your message is the text inside of {"...."}

                    Please read following post to understanding :
                    Create a Secret message with Encrypt it.

                    Create a secret message

                    If we insert an plain text to PNG file, everyone who open the sourch of our PNG file can read our message. because our message unencrypt. Safely, if we encrypt our message before we inserting our message to PNG file.

                    Plain Message => Encrypt => Chiper Message + PNG file = PNG file(with encrypt message)

                    For encryption we can you every encryption algorithm.

                    you can use caesar algorthm for example in caesar
                    or use vigener
                    encrypt your message there, so you can sent your message safely.

                    After that all procces, you can post your PNG file in facebook Wall post. place your key in the text of wall post. make an agreement with your partner how to sent the key.

                    Please read the following post to understanding :
                    How to inserting text Message in PNG file.